5 Great Office Partition Ideas

Aug 26, 2019    |    Architecture

If you run your own business or are a manager of one, then the layout of your office will be high among your list of responsibilities. The proper utilisation of floor space can help stimulate interoffice communication, maintain health and safety, ensure smooth workflows and facilitate supervision to name a few.

Office partitions are a great way of achieving these goals and we thought we’d share a few office partition ideas, some of which may hopefully work for you.

Rope walls

Rope walls are less frequently seen but are a concept that more and more businesses and organisations are considering. The aesthetic is the main appeal here as it repurposes a somewhat old-fashioned material and successfully applies it outside its usual context. The result makes a real statement of an office space and conveys a modern, cutting edge organisation. They also work practically as well, showing clear delineation between spaces while still allowing light and air to pass through. It may not be the right look and feel for every business but is an option that’s definitely worth considering. A cool range of colours and designs are available.

Stainless steel wire walls

SRS Group mesh infill balustrade

For a slightly more industrial look that potentially conforms more towards a structured organisation, a wire wall partitionis another choice you can go with. Wire walls have a similar effect in some ways to rope walls but sit more comfortably in the background, drawing less attention to themselves. They can be configured and fitted in a number of ways including vertical, horizontal and crossed. Incredibly strong and hard-wearing, stainless steel wire walls are a great long termsolution that’ll require little upkeep in terms of costs, maintenance and cleaning. X-Tend Tensile mesh can create a great partition with a range of colours available to create a great show piece.

Glass partitions

Glass is undoubtedly a popular option, widely in use in offices around the world. There are a number of advantages to glass that makes them an attractive option to consider. Their transparent characteristic can enhance productivity and employee accountability with all employees visible within the space. Glass also has soundproofing qualities, allowing workers to remain focussed. Light also passes through glass and can create a sense of openness within an office. The potential flipsides to these are that some workers may feel they’ve lost a sense of privacy and airflow systems need to be installed, especially in smaller segments.

Traditional and/or artistic screens

We can’t write this piece without acknowledging the traditional screen which still plays a major role in offices all around the world. Versatile and affordable, they can be installed and manoeuvred easily which can be handy if you work in an organisation that’s regularly in a state of flux. The main issues people have with them is that they can look and feel a little drab, with some feeling boxed in as a result. A good way to counter this is to opt for slightly more artistic screens that can inject a bit of expression and flair into an office. Adding just a little bit of colour and art into an environment can do wonders for the general mood and morale of a team. It may even help get their creative juices flowing allowing your business to profit in other ways too.

Living walls

Last but not least, a great option to consider for many different reasons are living walls as office partitions. Now, more than ever, the environment needs to be considered in all aspects of our lives, including in the workplace. A living wall is a fantastic green solution to ensuring your business/organisation plays its part and has many benefits for the workplace too. The first advantage is that they will naturally improve the air quality of the office, absorbing the carbon dioxide in the air while releasing oxygen. The cleaner environment also encourages increased productivity within a team and the natural soundproofing they provide will also help your workers stay focussed. Aesthetically they are fantastic and effortlessly take away the artificial and sterile feel of an office.

Office partition ideas to inspire!

As you can see, there are some great office partition ideas out there to inspire the next look and layout of your workplace. We’re always happy to talk about these options and explore any other ideas you might have so feel free to get in touch for a chat!

We can make them fixed or movable depending on your needs.