
Does Catenary Lighting save you money in the long run?

Catenary lighting is a growing choice for Architects when it comes to creating ambience within a space. SRS Group NZ works with lighting designers to help create beautiful spaces.  When presented with an array of design options it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. We have decided to focus on the cost of Catenary Lighting and

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The Importance of Playground Safety

Playgrounds play an important role in a child’s physical and social development. It gives them the chance to let loose in a fun and unstructured way with other kids that very few environments can match. When kids are so absorbed in this way it’s easy for them to be oblivious to the potential dangers around them. Playgrounds are, of course,

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3 Tips to Consider Before Starting a Bespoke Fabrication Project

Bespoke metal fabrication is a service that many companies and designers turn to when they are working on custom projects. Originality comes at a price, where quality can not be ignored. High end fabrication projects require adequate planning, experience and skills. Commonly we can get caught up in the end product rather than the process, which is why we have

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What is a Green Facadé?

Photography. Jodie Gallagher. Wondering what a Green Facadé is? Or just wanting to know more about this foliage system and why it could be the right choice for you? In this blog we aim to educate you more on Green Facadés.  Green Facades are vines growing up a supporting wire lattice. There are a range of wire lattice options tailored to

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How Catenary Lighting Can Benefit Your Space

Catenary lighting systems have a number of benefits to the space they are installed in. Whether you are trying to create ambient lighting, maximise space, increase usage or simply add an element of design, Catenary lighting can recreate a space.  Lighting design is a large part of creating and setting the tone of a space. Whether you are trying to

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Ecologically Sustainable Gardens on buildings and a range of benefits...

Ecologically Sustainable Gardens on the built structure have a number of benefits. Photography. Galeria de SkyVille What is an Ecologically Sustainable garden on a built structure? Vertical gardens (Green walls or Living Walls), green facades and roof gardens make up gardens on the built structure. But an ecologically sustainable garden is one that only needs planting once. All gardens need maintenance

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Sustainable Green Roofs and Managing Stormwater Runoff

Storm-water run-off is a major cost to councils. Building infrastructure to handle large volumes of rain water in a short time period, uses a lot of taxpayers dollars. Collecting and piping storm water to a safer place is a constant problem for all urban areas.  As the urban areas grow so does the urgency to handle large quantities of water.

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5 Great Examples of wire infill balustrade design

Wire infills use cables that offer a contemporary look that is view-friendly and maintenance free. SRS uses 316 grade stainless steel wires to create wire infills into interior and exterior balustrades to ensure longevity of the product. In today’s world we are always looking for new and exciting designs, with our eagerness to find something great we tend to forget

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Harbour Hockey Centre

A new world class facility and home for Harbour Hockey and the Vantage Black Sticks will be built at Rosedale Park as part of the Northern Corridor Improvements project. The new venue will provide expanded and enhanced community facilities to support the growth of community users; and to promote and support participation in the sport of hockey throughout New Zealand.

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10 knots to help you over summer!

With summer underway, we thought it would be helpful to share 10 great knots that can be used on and off the boat! Not only will you find these knots helping you out with daily hacks, they are important to know when it comes to boat safety. Knots are used to not only secure the boat to the dock but

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